GrubHub був food delivery startup з Чікаго, заснований розробником Mike Evans.
Перша версія продукту це був гео-пошук по закладах (“знайди піцерію в радіусі 2 км, яка робить доставку”), але поступово воно переросло в те, що робить зараз Glovo, Bolt Food та інші.
Це для контексту.
Далі трохи моїх нотатків.
Subscriptions are like broken clocks: right twice a day but mostly wrong. re moving from monthly placement fee to per-order fee.
“No amount of effort can skip over time it takes for new product to make it’s way into collective conscience of prospective customers” re launching SF and NY too fast. You can’t just throw money at the problem even though your investors want you to.
Before delegation comes prioritization. Part of figuring out what to prioritize is accepting the consequences of not doing some of the to-do items.
My job is now a never-ending parade of eight hours straight of meetings. Honestly, it’s pretty dull. beware what you wish for :)
Being newbie is dangerous, you’re taken advantage of– taking VC money.
All of this success creates an unexpected (to me, at least) effect. Instead of being happy with our progress so far, these investors are gripped by a manic desire for it to be even bigger. The investors care far too much about our business, which leads to micromanagement. Every decision is up for discussion. -be picky about your investors
Be under radar- news about their funding round attracted competition.
PS: може найбільш надихаюча частина для мене був його trans-america bike trip, де він проїхав майже 7 тис км від узберіжжя Атлантичного океану до Тихого, але це про це якось окремо.
“Most TransAmers who come through here are chasing miles. Wrong way to do it—you need to take it easy, especially in the beginning. Every fifth day should be a zero day, until you get to the Plains.”
“Find other people who’s done it before, compare notes.”
Once you attain a difficult goal, you’re forever changed.